Lake Cement, Tanzania is the first cement manufacturer in Tanzania, Africa to have its own power plant and vertical roller mill. The company currently operates a 10MW coal fired power plant. The integrated cement manufacturing unit, spread in an area of over 100 hectares, is the most modern, fully automated and energy-efficient plant of its kind in East Africa. The Plant, with a capacity of 500,000 Tons per annum, is located at Kimbiji village in Temeke District; just 45 km south of Dar es Salaam’s central business district.
Pinnacle did a detailed study of their business requirements, designed the solution including backend integration to existing application. Implementation commenced only after there was buy-in of the design from middle and top management.
Pinnacle implemented Orion ERP from 3i Infotech using a fast track implementation methodology. Beyond the core features and functions of an ERP, we integrated with Orion, the Weigh Bridge application, which calculates the Truck weight, Gross weight, Net weight and the like. This was done to extend the overall benefits the Customer obtained from the Application. We also implemented the Logistics module, enabling register of truck on arrival, loading, scheduling of delivery and automating the creation of delivery note.